Monday, September 23, 2013

Aku Kini Graduan Berijazah - Selangkah Menuju "Kesarjanaan"


 Kepada para sahabat dan diri saya sendiri yang telah berjaya dengan rasminya menjadi graduan Sarjana Muda (Sains) Perumahan, Bangunan dan Perancangan (Perancangan Bandar dan Wilayah)(Kepujian) dalam Konvokesyen USM ke-48 yang berlangsung dari 19-22 September 2013. Hendaknya kita menghayati dan tidak mudah melupakan detik-detik perjuangan yang telah kita lalui bersama selama beberapa tahun di gedung ilmu ini. Semoga iltizam, dedikasi dan semangat setiakawan yang terjalin akan dijadikan bekalan untuk kita sama-sama memacu usaha ke arah kejayaan seterusnya sebagai seorang Sarjana - yang lestari, cemerlang, gemilang, terbilang. 

Lagu ini untuk kita!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sustainable Development

We always talked about sustainability and sustainable developments as if they truly run like blood in our veins. But do we really know the subjects? For some, the answer might be a big YES... but for ordinary laymen and a large part of the community who are not involved directly in any discipline related to these, "sustainability and sustainable developments" are only incomprehensible jargon fit for scholarly articles in the archive library, or in the students' text books. Sometimes, I myself got confused with phrases like "the sustainable sustainability", "sustaining sustainable development" etc. etc. etc.

So, I tried surfing the Net for answers, more for self satisfaction, really. And I came across articles which enlightened and inspired me. And I want to share these articles with you, my dear friends, that  will, InsyaAllah, will enrich our knowledge. They are published over the web by a body called the Sustainable Development Commission, United Kingdom.

The Sustainable Development Commission (SDC) is the UK Government's independent adviser on sustainable development. They are an (independent) executive non-departmental public body (NDPB) and a company limited by guarantee. The company is wholly owned by the UK, Welsh, Scottish and Northern Ireland governments, and is governed by a Board. They are also governed by a Framework Agreement agreed with the four UK Governments. The agreement sets out their responsibilities and guides the work of the SDC's Board and Management Team. 

The following articles are credited to Sustainable Development Commission, UK.

History of Sustainable Development

The concept of sustainable development formed the basis of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. The summit marked the first international attempt to draw up action plans and strategies for moving towards a more sustainable pattern of development. It was attended by over 100 Heads of State and representatives from 178 national governments. The Summit was also attended by representatives from a range of other organisations representing civil society. Sustainable development was the solution to the problems of environmental degradation discussed by the Brundtland Commission in the 1987 report Our Common Future. 

The remit of the Brundtland Report was to investigate the numerous concerns that had been raised in previous decades, namely, that human activity was having severe and negative impacts on the planet, and that patterns of growth and development would be unsustainable if they continued unchecked. Key works that highlighted this thinking included Rachel Carson's Silent Spring (1962), Garret Hardin's Tragedy of the Commons (1968), the Blueprint for Survival by the Ecologist magazine (1972) and the Club of Rome's Limits to Growth report (1972). 

The concept of sustainable development received its first major international recognition in 1972 at the UN Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm. The term was not referred to explicitly, but nevertheless the international community agreed to the notion - now fundamental to sustainable development - that both development and the environment, hitherto addressed as separate issues, could be managed in a mutually beneficial way. 

The term was popularised 15 years later in Our Common Future, the report of the World Commission on Environment and Development, which included what is deemed the 'classic' definition of sustainable development: "development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". 

It was not until the Rio Summit, however, that major world leaders recognised sustainable development as the major challenge it remains today. 

More recently, the World Summit on Sustainable Development was held in Johannesburg in 2002, attended by 191 national governments, UN agencies, multilateral financial institutions and other major groups to assess progress since Rio. The Johannesburg Summit delivered three key outcomes: a political declaration, the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, and a range of partnership initiatives. Key commitments included those on sustainable consumption and production, water and sanitation, and energy. 

What is sustainable development

"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

The concept of sustainable development can be interpreted in many different ways, but at its core is an approach to development that looks to balance different, and often competing, needs against an awareness of the environmental, social and economic limitations we face as a society.

All too often, development is driven by one particular need, without fully considering the wider or future impacts. We are already seeing the damage this kind of approach can cause, from large-scale financial crises caused by irresponsible banking, to changes in global climate resulting from our dependence on fossil fuel-based energy sources. The longer we pursue unsustainable development, the more frequent and severe its consequences are likely to become, which is why we need to take action now.  

So is it all just about the environment?

Living within our environmental limits is one of the central principles of sustainable development. One implication of not doing so is climate change.

But the focus of sustainable development is far broader than just the environment. It's also about ensuring a strong, healthy and just society. This means meeting the diverse needs of all people in existing and future communities, promoting personal wellbeing, social cohesion and inclusion, and creating equal opportunity.

If sustainable development focuses on the future, does that mean we lose out now?

Not necessarily. Sustainable development is about finding better ways of doing things, both for the future and the present. We might need to change the way we work and live now, but this doesn't mean our quality of life will be reduced.

A sustainable development approach can bring many benefits in the short to medium term, for example:

Savings - As a result of SDC scrutiny, government has saved over £60m by improving efficiency across its estate.

Health & Transport - Instead of driving, switching to walking or cycling for short journeys will save you money, improve your health and is often just as quick and convenient. 

How does it affect me?

The way we approach development affects everyone. The impacts of our decisions as a society have very real consequences for people's lives. Poor planning of communities, for example, reduces the quality of life for the people who live in them. (Relying on imports rather than growing food locally puts the UK at risk of food shortages.)

Sustainable development provides an approach to making better decisions on the issues that affect all of our lives. By incorporating health plans into the planning of new communities, for instance, we can ensure that residents have easy access to healthcare and leisure facilities. (By encouraging more sustainable food supply chains, we can ensure the UK has enough food for the long-term future.)

 Photo credit : National Geographics
 Congestion and carbon emission

How do we make it happen?

We all have a part to play. Small actions, taken collectively, can add up to real change. However, to achieve sustainability in the UK, we believe the Government needs to take the lead. The SDC's job is to help make this happen, and we do it through a mixture of scrutiny, advice and building organisational capacity for sustainable development.

The principles

In order for the UK to become more sustainable, it is important to have an agreed set of principles that can be used as a basis for co-ordinated national policies, strategies and action plans. 

The UK Government published its 'Five Principles of Sustainable Development' in its Shared Framework for Sustainable Development, released in March 2005. 

The principles, which were developed with support from the SDC, have been agreed by the UK Government (inc NI), the Welsh Assembly Government and the Scottish Executive, and are reflected in the UK sustainable development strategy, 'Securing the Future', also released in March 2005. 

Securing the Future

 Source : SDC, UK. Accessible through

I find this website very helpful in providing necessary information about sustainable development, strategies and initiatives in making sustainablity a success - an excellent basic reference to understanding sustainability.

Another must-explore website is which not only highlights and focuses on the latest global issues but also provides an extensive online resource centre about sustainable developments.

On that note also, I would like to share a very inspiring video which has a significant impact on global sustainability. Enjoy!

Stay tuned for more articles on sustainability, sustainable planning and sustainable development. 

“We cannot hope to create a sustainable culture with any but sustainable souls.”
Derrick Jensen, Endgame, Vol. 1: The Problem of Civilization 


Friday, September 20, 2013

Sorotan Media Sempena Hari Perancang Bandar Sedunia November 2012 di Hotel Renaissance, Kuala Lumpur...

 Bandar Hijau (Green Cities)

 Blow Ups ...

  Inisiatif Kejiranan Hijau 
(The Green Neighbourhood Initiative)

  Penunjuk Pembangunan Mampan 
(Malaysian Urban & Rural Indicators on Sustainability - MURNInets)

 Pembangunan Mampan dan Perubahan Iklim 
(Sustainable Development and Climate Change)

Photo credit  :  Berita Harian & Peratuan Penolong Perancang Bandar Malaysia

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Energy In Green Building

Energy in Green Building
Energy is the foundation for green building. Energy codes define the minimum acceptable standards for a climate zone. In today’s world of climate change and high energy prices, it is critical that buildings use as few fossil fuels (including coal generated electricity) as possible to “futureproof” the home against unpredictable and rapidly rising prices.

Energy Uncertainty
Our energy future is uncertain, and the public is overwhelmed with mixed messages about our oil and gas reserves: Are we headed for another oil crunch? How much are oil and natural gas prices expected to rise? Experts predict that world oil production will peak in 2020 at the latest, but the peak could occur as early as the year 2010.

After the peak, the amount of retrievable oil will be in decline, causing prices to rise. Fossil fuels currently provide 95 percent of the world's commercial energy supply, whereas renewable energy sources supply less than three percent. If we are going to approach our future with foresight, it would be wise to reduce our consumption of fossil fuels and invest in renewable energy at home as soon as possible.

Amory Lovins, an international expert in energy efficiency, suggests, “Oil scarcity may be the weakest reason for making the transition away from oil. Profit, climate protection, security, and quality of life are all more relevant and defensible.” If we continue on our present course, the United States' dependence upon other countries for oil could greatly increase. Yet, an alternate future where the U.S. decreases its oil consumption and increases its investment in renewable energy resources is not only desirable, but possible. Such an investment would free our nation from reliance upon other countries and would also boost the economy through innovative technology and employment. In fact it may be the best way out of our economic conundrum.

Renewable Energy
Economically viable renewable energy sources are already available in today’s market. Wind farms are going up across the nation, providing electricity at the competitive wholesale rate of three to five cents per kilowatt-hour. Electricity from burning biomass (crops and crop waste) also sells at a similar rate. Shell Oil, the most successful company in the oil industry, estimates that “by 2010 commercial energy from biomass could provide five percent of the world’s power.” The value of that energy production could be over $20 billion. Another up and coming renewable energy source is photovoltaic (PV) cells, which convert sunlight into electricity. As technologies improve and as the US government and local utilities offer incentives, PV wattage costs are becoming increasingly competitive.

Energy Use in Buildings
This information has a direct impact on us as builders. Buildings comprise 35 percent of direct energy use in the United States. Of that 35 percent, 64 percent goes into heating, ventilation, and air conditioning; 24 percent heats hot water; 13 percent provides lighting; and electrical appliances are beginning to cut a significant wedge into the pie. In terms of carbon dioxide production, in total, buildings are responsible for 48% of all greenhouse gasses. 

Energy and Building Systems Design
Energy efficiency requires a systems-based approach to designing and building a home. All elements of the building shell; foundation, framing, roof structure and windows play key roles in defining the potential energy savings for a house. Energy use inside the home is the second tier of consideration. Mechanical equipment sized to the actual loads of the house, natural day lighting and ventilation greatly impact how much energy will be used to provide comfort and convenience. Appliances and lighting also impact net energy efficiency. All need to be considered in the early design stages to maintain cost effectiveness.

The study, Greening the Building and the Bottom Line by Joseph Romm of the U.S. DOE and William Browning of the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), highlights case studies of several companies that invested in energy-efficient designs and thereby experienced significant savings. The companies highlighted in the RMI study saved enormous amounts of energy—up to a 90 percent decrease in previous consumption. Further justifying the investment in retrofitting is the compelling evidence that day lighting (a design feature which allows the use of natural light, rather than artificial light during daytime hours), improved HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning), and improved indoor air quality. This resulted in increased productivity, fewer worker errors, and less absenteeism in many cases studies. Because labor costs are such a large share of total costs (workforce accounts for approximately $130 per square foot, 72 times more than energy costs), a one percent increase in worker productivity can result in savings to a company that exceeds their total energy costs.

There are more and more cases similar to those documented by RMI, and as a result, companies are starting to invest in energy efficiency for the reasons suggested above: reduced energy expenditures and increased worker productivity. 

Embodied Energy
The energy buildings require starts accumulating long before the building materials are on-site. The energy required to extract, manufacture, and transport building materials is tallied into the sum total known as embodied energy. Producing stone, glass, and clay--common building materials--makes up 6.9 percent of the industrial sector’s 37 percent of total energy use. Cement production worldwide accounts for 8% of all carbon released into the atmosphere. Additionally, minerals are found in a wide variety of building materials in the home from plumbing and wiring to insulation. There are even minerals in paint and wallpaper. Because minerals must be mined, they come to us at a high price—both in terms of energy costs and environmental impact. 

Investing in Energy Improvements
Next to sitting and building orientation, insulation quantity and quality are the most important decisions you will make at the onset of construction. The code officials and many energy consultants used to optimize insulation thickness according to payback. Payback was based on the average rate in increases in energy costs over 30 years. This was approximately 6 1/2 % per year. In 2002 that changed. 9/11 shifted the world paradigm about energy security. Natural gas just stopped flowing in US gas wells and we became a natural gas importer. The resultant doubling of natural gas prices (and oil prices for those who heat with oil) have changed the entire economic equation for insulation payback. Today, looking into the energy crystal ball, the more insulation you can fit into the envelope the better. After all, how long will your homes last? What will be the price of fossil fuels used to heat your home in 5,10, 15 years? If your house will stand that long it needs to be insulated sufficiently to meet those economic demands for energy.

Green building reduces energy consumption in numerous ways. First, we can decrease the embodied energy of the building through efficient design, use of recycled and local materials, and recycling construction waste. Second, green building design reduces a building’s energy consumption over its lifetime. Strategically placing windows and skylights can eliminate the need for electrical lighting during the day. A whole house fan can cool the house over night, rather than relying on air conditioning. High quality insulation reduces temperature regulation costs in both summer and winter. Additionally, houses can maximize passive heating and cooling. South facing windows with overhangs can reduce heating costs by 20 to 30 percent, and prevailing breezes, shading, and natural plantings can keep houses cooler in the summer. This list only scratches the surface of the possibilities for reducing a building’s energy requirements.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Pembangunan Lestari

Prinsip Pembangunan Lestari
Persidangan Kemuncak Bumi mengenai pembangunan lestari pada musim panas 2002 di Johannesburg, Afrika Selatan memberi satu pandangan yang optimistik terhadap penyelesaian masalah alam sekitar global. Persidangan itu mempunyai objektif untuk terus berusaha ke arah keadilan sosial dan persekitaran untuk semua golongan manusia di dunia, di mana semua orang berhak menikmati pembanguan lestari tanpa mengira jantina, usia, taraf hidup, dan kedudukan geografi. Persidangan itu juga bertujuan memperteguhkan usaha-usaha pembangunan secara lestari dengan meminimumkan pemusnahan atau penurunan kualiti alam sekitar tempatan, wilayah atau global akibat daripada penduduk yang berlebihan, pembasmian hutan, perlombongan, pertanian serta pencemaran tanah, air dan udara. Tujuan lain persidangan tersebut adalah untuk membangun dan menyokong ketetapan antarabangsa dalam pengawalan pemanasan global dan bahan cemar.

Suruhanjaya Dunia mengenai Alam Sekitar dan Pembangunan (Laporan Brundtland 1987) mendefinisikan pembangunan lestari / mampan sebagai "pembangunan yang membolehkan generasi masa kini memenuhi keperluannya tanpa mengkompromikan kemampuan generasi akan datang memenuhi keperluan mereka".

Mengikut laporan Our Common Future yang diterbitkan oleh The World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED), 1987, pembangunan lestari adalah “pembangunan yang memenuhi keperluan generasi masa kini tanpa mengabaikan keupayaan generasi akan datang untuk memenuhi keperluan mereka”. Penekanan utama yang disarankan dalam dasar pembangunan mampan ini ialah masyarakat dunia mestilah hidup dalam had daya tampung (carrying capacity) planet Bumi. Walaupun terdapat beberapa definisi yang berbeza, tetapi dalam kesemua definisi ini terdapat tema yang dikongsi bersama iaitu alam sekitar (environment), kesejahteraan sosial (social/society) dan kesaksamaan ekonomi (equity/economy). 

Aspek-aspek kemampanan untuk tujuan perancangan meliputi Kemampanan Ekologi dari segi Kemampanan Ekonomi, Kemampanan Sosial, Kemampanan Budaya, Kemampanan Pertanian; Kemampanan Alam Sekitar dan Kemampanan Bandar. 

Rajah 1  :  Tiga Sfera Kelestarian

Teras Pembangunan Lestari Tapak Cadangan
Perkara-perkara yang menjadi TERAS dalam menggubal prinsip-prinsip pembangunan lestari dalam konteks pembangunan di Malaysia ialah : 
·         Kemandirian kejiranan (neighbourhood self-containment and self-sufficiency); 
·         Kesejahteraan sosio-budaya; 
·         Kelestarian alam sekitar;
·         Permuafakatan dan interaktiviti warga kejiranan;
·         Kecergasan fizikal / gaya hidup sihat;
·         Keselamatan jiwa dan harta benda;
·         Persatuan penduduk yang demokratik dan berekuiti (equitable);
·         Pembangunan berteknologi hijau;
·         Keceriaan;
·         Kediaman mampumilik (affordable living).

1.    Kemandirian Kejiranan
Sebuah kejiranan yang lestari harus bersifat mandiri dan boleh menampung keperluan tempatan. Dalam konteks ini, matlamatnya ialah untuk mengintegrasikan semua aspek komuniti perbandaran – perumahan, infrastruktur dan utiliti, perniagaan, rekreasi dan kawasan hijau – dengan amalan-amalan dan garis panduan-garis panduan perancangan lestari dan mempunyai kedudukan dalam jarak berjalan kaki atau sekurang-kurangnya berbasikal/bermotosikal.

Kejiranan yang mandiri (self-contained) haruslah mempunyai ciri-ciri komponen guna tanah yang seimbang dan memenuhi konsep lestari iaitu alam sekitar (kawasan lapang/hijau dan pengekalan topografi),  penduduk/sosial (kemudahan awam dan rekreasi) dan ekonomi (perniagaan, perindustrian, tempat kerja). Penghuni di kejiranan ini tidak perlu melakukan perjalanan yang banyak dan jauh untuk mendapatkan keperluan mereka. Secara langsung, ini akan mengurangkan pengeluaran karbon dan carbon footprints serta meningkatkan dayamilik (affordibility) kediaman. Oleh yang demikian, kejiranan lestari harus lebih padat, mesra pejalan kaki dan mempunyai kepelbagaian guna tanah. 

Rajah 2  :  Komponen sebuah kejiranan 'walkable' yang lestari

Rajah 3  :  Jalinan/hubungkait antara komponen dalam sebuah kejiranan 'walkable' yang lestari

2.   Kesejahteraan Sosio-Budaya 
Ciri ini juga adalah berkaitan dengan matlamat asas pewujudan konsep kejiranan (neighbourhood) oleh Clarence Perry di awal kurun ke-20 iaitu “…planned communities based upon many of the concepts tenets, due to consumer demand for the idealistic community intimacy associated with living with heteronormative homo reciprocans of similar socioeconomic status..”, walaupun nilai-nilai masyarakat tempatan adalah berbeza dan lebih menjurus kepada kelestarian alam sekitar dan nilai murni yang dikongsi bersama (shared values). 

Penduduk bebas menghayati cara hidup serta bebas mengamalkan kebudayaan masing-masing dengan saksama mengikut lunas-lunas etika yang diterima, di samping menghormati cara hidup dan kebudayaan warga komuniti yang lain. Kesejahteraan sosio-budaya ini akan memperkaya ciri-ciri sosio budaya tempatan dan mewujudkan “a sense of place”... 

Illustrasi 1 :  Gambaran sebuah “streetscape” di kejiranan lestari – 
menetap, bekerja, bermain, belajar, berniaga dan membeli-belah 
dalam lingkungan jarak berjalan kaki 

3.    Kelestarian Alam Sekitar 
Kelestarian alam sekitar akan dicapai melalui beberapa inisiatif iaitu :
  • Pembangunan yang mengambil kira dan disesuaikan dengan cerun dan lereng bukit untuk mengelakkan kerja-kerja pemotongan bukit secara berleluasa yang akan mengubah struktur muka bumi di tapak cadangan serta menepati kehendak-kehendak garis Panduan Pembangunan Tanah Tinggi dan Lereng Bukit yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa (JPBD) Semenanjung Malaysia.
  • Pengekalan hutan sebagai kawasan tadahan hujan, kawasan zon penampan, penstabil cerun, penyaman suhu dan kawasan riadah.
  • Pengekalan saliran bermusim dan saliran semula jadi di tapak pembangunan.
  • Memperuntukkan lebih banyak kawasan lapang yang berfungsi (functional open spaces) sebagai kawasan rekreasi yang disepadukan dengan takungan air hujan (onsite stormwater detention) sebelum disalirkan ke badan-badan air selaras dengan kehendak Manual Saliran Mesra Alam (MASMA) yang dikuatkuasakan sejak tahun 2001. 
  • Tiada pemotongan pokok-pokok yang mempunyai ukurlilit (girth) melebihi 0.8 m selaras dengan peruntukan seksyen 35, Bahagian VA, Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa, 1971 (Akta 172). 
  • Pengekalan dan pemuliharaan monumen sejarah / bangunan warisan (jika ada). 
  • Menggunakan teknologi hijau dalam pembangunan (misalnya : penerapan kecekapan tenaga  [energy efficiency (EE)], tenaga diperbaharui [renewable energy (RE)], parkir hijau (green parking), Indeks Bangunan Hijau (Green Building Index – GBI); sistem penuaian air hujan (rainwater harvesting system), penggunaan sistem binaan industri (Industrialized Building System - IBS) mesra alam dan sebagainya.

Illustrasi 2 :  Bosco Verticale (Vertical Forest) – 
binaan 27 tingkat di Milan, Itali yang diilhamkan oleh Stefano Boeri 
bertujuan meningkatkan biodiversiti bandar

4.      Permuafakatan dan Interaktiviti Warga Kejiranan 
Dalam konteks perancangan fizikal, intisari permuafakatan dan interaktiviti kejiranan ini adalah lebih menjurus kepada penyediaan ruang-ruang fizikal dan kemudahan-kemudahan awam yang boleh dijadikan wadah untuk berinteraksi.

Contohnya :
  • Mengadakan balai komuniti untuk Jawatankuasa Kejiranan berbincang dan memupuk tanggungjawab bersama untuk memastikan kelestarian kejiranan mereka. 
  • Membina plaza awam bagi penduduk menjalankan kegiatan sosial, kebudayaan dan pendidikan. Plaza awam ini hendaklah mempunyai akses yang selamat dari laluan pejalan kaki, menyediakan ruang untuk menampung kepelbagaian aktiviti dan menjadi titik tumpu (focal point) yang menarik, yang boleh kelihatan daripada mana-mana jalan/laluan utama.

Illustrasi 3 :  Contoh plaza awam

  • Membina kompleks sukan yang dapat memperkukuhkan hubungan kejiranan melalui sukan dan aktiviti rekreasi.

5.    Kecergasan Fizikal / Gaya Hidup Sihat
Sebuah kejiranan lestari mestilah memperuntukkan ruang yang cukup untuk warga komuniti bersenam, beriadah dan berjalan kaki dalam suasana yang selamat dan selesa.

Foto 1  :  Outdoor fitness station

6.    Keselamatan Jiwa dan Harta Benda
Sebuah kejiranan lestari adalah sebuah kejiranan yang selamat. Kejiranan selamat bolehlah didefinisikan sebagai : 
  • Kejiranan yang bebas dari keganasan (violence) merosakkan harta benda dan nyawa seperti gejala ragut, pecah rumah, kecurian dan sebagainya.
  • Kejiranan yang bebas dari kemusnahan dan malapetaka ekoran bencana alam seperti banjir dan tanah runtuh.
  • Kejiranan yang bebas dari kemerosotan sosial dan moral (social and moral decay) seperti penagihan dadah, kecurian, jenayah kolar putih, rasuah, salah guna kuasa, hilang integriti dan sebagainya.
  • Kejiranan yang bebas dari kemalangan dalam dan luar bangunan seperti kemalangan jalan raya, jatuh dari bangunan, kebakaran dan sebagainya. 

7.    Persatuan Penduduk yang Demokratik dan Berekuiti (Equitable)
Pembangunan lestari mempunyai kecenderungan untuk meningkatkan kos pembangunan melalui proses gentrification (pihak yang mempunyai wang membeli hartanah di kawasan yang masih bernilai rendah untuk tujuan mengaut keuntungan), penggunaan bahan binaan hijau, penyediaan komponen perumahan lestari dan penyelenggaraan. Ini memerlukan persatuan penduduk dan Pesuruhjaya Bangunan (Commisioner of Building) yang lebih demokratik dalam menentukan dan memantau kesaksamaan di kalangan pemegang ekuiti serta perkongsian kos penyelenggaraan.

8.    Pembangunan Berteknologi Hijau
Kejiranan yang lestari adalah kejiranan yang menerapkan teknologi hijau. Pada November 2011, Kerajaan telah memperkenalkan Garis Panduan Perancangan Kejiranan Hijau sebagai langkah untuk menangani isu perubahan cuaca dan pemanasan global secara berkesan melalui sistem perancangan bandar. Garis panduan tersebut akan dijadikan asas rujukan dan instrumen untuk memacu perancangan pembangunan serta mewujudkan kejiranan hijau di Malaysia, termasuk pengurangan karbon yang dinilai melalui “rangka kerja perbandaran karbon rendah” oleh Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air (KeTTHA). 

Foto 2  :  Bangunan berteknologi hijau

9.    Keceriaan
Keceriaan memainkan peranan yang tidak kurang pentingnya dalam pewujudan kejiranan yang lestari. Penataan landskap (softscape dan hardscape) yang teratur dan rapi serta berwarna warni berupaya meningkatkan tahap dayahuni (livability) sesebuah kejiranan.

Foto 3  :  Pengolahan warna-warna ceria dalam penataan landskap kejiranan

Foto 4  :  Demi masa... Elemen landskap yang mampu 
mewujudkan keceriaan dan berbentuk informatif

10.  Kediaman Mampu-Milik (Affordable Living)
Kehidupan mampumilik (affordable living) adalah aspirasi untuk hidup dalam lingkungan keupayaan seseorang sama ada dari segi kewangan, persekitaran, sosial dan ekonomi. Ia juga bertujuan untuk memastikan kehidupan yang berekuiti, pelbagai dan lestari boleh dicapai dan disepadukan dalam perancangan, pelaksanaan, penyelenggaraan dan penggunaan/ pembangunan semula sumber-sumber.

Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia bagi Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (WHO) menjelaskan bahawa sumber-sumber asas untuk sebuah kehidupan adalah keamanan, tempat tinggal, pelajaran, makanan, pendapatan, ekosistem yang stabil, sumber-sumber lestari, keadilan sosial dan kesaksamaan ekonomi. Sebuah kehidupan adalah mampumilik apabila seseorang mendapat akses kepada keperluan-keperluan asas tadi pada harga yang munasabah dan apabila ada keyakinan terhadap masa hadapan.

Walau bagaimanapun, sekiranya kos sara hidup adalah terlalu tinggi, sebahagian daripada keperluan asas tadi tidak mampu dinikmati oleh sesetengah golongan, atau harga yang terlalu tinggi terpaksa dibayar untuk menikmati hidup di masa kini, menghapuskan keupayaan untuk menyumbang ke arah masa depan.

Prinsip mampumilik ini dipertimbangkan dalam cadangan sesebuah pembangunan dengan tujuan supaya pembangunan yang dijalankan atas nama “lestari” tidak hanya mampu dimiliki oleh segelintir golongan yang “rich and famous”. Peningkatan nilai tanah dan kos bahan binaan seringkali dijadikan alasan mengapa kediaman mampumilik yang lebih lestari tidak dapat disediakan. Walau bagaimanapun, suatu “toolkit” ke arah menangani isu ini perlu dikaji dan disediakan untuk memandu arah pembangunan mampumilik yang lestari. Kepelbagaian jenis perumahan mungkin boleh diperkenalkan di mana kos pemajuan boleh di”cross-subsidize” dengan jenis perumahan yang lebih mewah.

Rajah 4  :  Faktor-faktor yang menyumbang ke arah kehidupan mampumilik